Tap Into Your Fundamental Strength
There is a wonderful saying,“Open the treasure house within.” This reminds us that we are all endowed with many resources that we’re not aware of, and do not use in our lives. In order to get in touch with these innate abilities, we must stop depending upon others to solve our problems for us. We must also give up blaming others, and turn within. As soon as we start to take responsibility for what’s happening and for the way we are responding it, we begin to tap into our fundamental strength.
Pay Attention
We are what we think about. When we stay fixed on one person, thought or situation, we become caught in the grip of that situation. The more we give attention to that which is upsetting, the more strength it has to rule our lives. This can be counteracted easily.
Take back your focus and attention. The power of focus is the power of life. Spend time each day developing focus and concentration. Withdraw yourself from the chaotic world for a period of time each day, and invite your attention back within. Sit with a straight back, do not move and pay full attention to your breath. Let random thoughts come and go. Do not suppress them, but do not let them grab your attention away. (At first you may be besieged by many surprising thoughts and feelings, but if you simply notice them and then return your attention to your breathing, these will soon die down). Count your breath from one to ten, then all over again. Do this for at least ten to fifteen minutes without moving. By doing this you are stopping what is called the monkey mind. You are also pulling the plug on fear.
Stop The Monkey Mind
The monkey mind is the mind that jumps from one thing to the next, fears, demands, grabs and sabotages our lives. It is this part of ourselves which causes sorrow and fear. But it cannot take over our lives, when we take charge of our focus. By meditating daily, we not only take the steam away from the monkey mind, strengthen parts of ourselves which can guide and lead us in a new direction. Before long we begin to experience calm, balance and well-being, no matter what’s going on.
Find A New Perspective
This wonderful time spent with oneself is a way to discover a new perspective, become able to see clearly and put the situation in a larger context. The new perspective becomes a fortification against many of life’s storms. By turning within, we develop a place we can always return to, for wisdom, strength and comfort. When we allow people and events to upset and consume us, we are inviting trouble, giving our precious, inner treasure away.
Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
excellent article!!