About Dr Brenda Shoshanna

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New York, New York, United States
Psychologist,relationship expert and workshop leader, my work is dedicated to helping you release your fears, access your enormous inner resources and be all you are meant to me. The author of many books, including the latest, Fearless: The 7 Principles of Peace of Mind -(www.becomefearless.org) .

FEARLESS; THE 7 PRINCIPLES OF PEACE OF MIND - www.becomefearless.org

It's one thing to understand fear, it's another to know how to dissolve it from your life. Becoming Fearless is a practice, based on the principles of peace of mind. Once this practice is undertaken, it's easy to release fear and become calm, balanced and positive, no matter what is going on.

Contact: Dr. Shoshanna
(212) 288-0028


The Practice of Fearlessness

Some think fear keeps them safe, on guard against danger. But the opposite is true. Fear confuses our minds, tells us lies, lowers our immune system and undermines our relationships. There is never a reason to hold onto fear. Being in the grip of fear is like being stung by a serpent.

The first thing to understand is that you can make better judgments, take constructive action and increase your safety when you release fear from your life. There are many steps to take on the path of Becoming Fearless and this blog will be dedicated to sharing them all.

The first step is to know that fear is a liar. When you refuse to believe the false messages it brings you and do not give in to the catastrophic expectaions it creates, fear weakens and backs away.

When fear assaults you with a negative message, stop, look it in the eye and refuse to believe what it's saying. This will take its power away. Fear takes its strength from your belief in it. Once the fear departs, you will be able to see much more clearly exactly what is going on. You do not need fear to be safe. In fact the confusion created by the fear, takes true safety and clarity from you.

Today, when ever you hear a frightening or negative message, stop, refuse it. Feel the fear behind it and tell the fear it can go...Once the fear has subsided you can look at the situation again with new, clear eyes. You will also be strengthened to take whatever constructive action may be called for at that time.

Instead of believing in the power of fear, why not believe in the power of truth?

Becoming Fearless: (Workshop Program) Building Fearless Relationships Your Natural Ability to Live Free of Fear Becoming Fearless During Change and Loss The Disowned Self (Welcoming Him/Her Home)
Dr. Brenda Shoshanna

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Gift of Change

There is an incredible idea we all live with that everything will and should stay the same. We cling to this notion for dear life and are continually surprised when things we love leave, when relationships fade, our body changes, our fortunes fluctuate. When all of this happens, as it naturally must, we may even feel personally insulted or betrayed. Many say, “how can this be happening to me?” Others feel victimized by change, as if it’s living proof that they are failures. They have failed to hold everything together, to keep things the same. They have failed to have their expectations realized, expectations which did not factor in, the inevitable process of change.

You Cannot Step Into The Same River Twice

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus tells us that “you cannot step into the same river twice.” The next moment you step into the river, not only is the river different, but you are different as well. Your body temperature has changed, your mood, the moment. . You have been impacted by all that has gone on. The river too has undergone changes, it has washed over rocks, swished the underbrush, tossed different fish inside it. The river is different and so are you. How beautiful and thrilling. .

However, many do not feel that change is beautiful and thrilling. They find it frightening, resist it and do all they can to block it out. They set up dams to hold it back; rigid beliefs and ideas that seek to contain the flow. This resistance to change causes real pain.

If not for the process of constant change, no growth would be possible. You would not be able to tell the difference between childish infatuation and real compassion. After you breathed in, you could not breathe out. A child could not go from sitting to crawling. Change is your friend. Change is a gift. It is crucial that you learn to see it that way.

Dr. Brenda Shoshanna

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